Global Account Terms of Use

Updated August 2024

1. Incoming Payments

Incoming payments to your Global Account must be in the form of a bank transfer and be related to your business operations.

Cash and/or cheques are not accepted.

2. Prohibited countries

We will not accept incoming payments or approve outward payment requests from or to, counterparties or banks, operating in countries on our prohibited country list. Our list of prohibited countries has been provided with this notice.

Violation of this policy is grounds for immediate closure of your Global Account and your funds may be frozen.

3. Deposits

Unless self-funded deposits have a predestination or predetermined purpose, they are not permitted. This is because Currenxie is not a deposit taking Financial Institution or Bank.

A self-funded incoming payment is defined as a payment that is sent to your Global Account from your own company, your company’s shareholders and/or your company’s directors or employees.

Prohibited Countries/Jurisdictions:

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Algeria

  3. Angola

  4. Azerbaijan

  5. Bangladesh

  6. Barbados

  7. Belarus

  8. Benin

  9. Bolivia (Plurinational State Of)

  10. Bosnia and Herzegovina

  11. Bouvet Island

  12. Burkina Faso

  13. Burundi

  14. Cameroon

  15. Central African Republic

  16. Chad

  17. Comoros

  18. Congo

  19. Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

  20. Côte d'Ivoire

  21. Cuba

  22. Djibouti

  23. Dominican Republic

  24. Egypt

  25. El Salvador

  26. Equatorial Guinea

  27. Eritrea

  28. Eswatini

  29. Gabon

  30. Gambia

  31. Georgia

  32. Ghana

  33. Guatemala

  34. Guinea

  35. Guinea-Bissau

  36. Haiti

  37. Honduras

  38. Iran (Islamic Republic of)

  39. Iraq

  40. Kazakhstan

  41. Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)

  42. Kyrgyzstan

  43. Lao People's Democratic Republic

  44. Lebanon

  45. Liberia

  46. Libya

  47. Madagascar

  48. Mali

  49. Mauritania

  50. Moldova (Republic of)

  51. Mozambique

  52. Myanmar

  53. Nicaragua

  54. Niger

  55. Nigeria

  56. Pakistan

  57. Palestine, State of

  58. Papua New Guinea

  59. Russian Federation

  60. Senegal

  61. Sierra Leone

  62. Somalia

  63. South Sudan

  64. Sudan

  65. Suriname

  66. Syrian Arab Republic

  67. Tajikistan

  68. Turkmenistan

  69. Uganda

  70. Ukraine

  71. Uzbekistan

  72. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

  73. Western Sahara

  74. Yemen

  75. Zimbabwe

We reserve the right to amend this list at any time.